One of our favorite musical nights of the Summer happened on July 16th 2015.It was one of those Buffalo night’s where everything came together to create a memorable evening that won’t soon be forgotten
The weather was marvelous, the crowds were in great spirits, and the caliber of music was just ridiculously outstanding.
It started with a packed Canalside for a tribute to Stevie Wonder featuring the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra and Critt’s Juke Joint
“The orchestra was on fire under the baton of Bradley Thachuk and EVERY musician brought a 1000% to the delight of the crowd. Eric T. Crittenden, Toney Rhodes, Emilio Trumpetman Virella, Deshawn D Ray Jackson, Vinnie DeRosa, Ronald Williams, Drea DNur, Zuri Elise Appleby, Michael DiSanto, Vince Fossitt! #OneLove“
But this is Buffalo, and you know the party didn’t stop there.
The music continued just down the street where Brooklyn based Funk group Turkuaz played an inspired two set sold out show that almost tore the roof off of Buffalo Iron Works, including a special sit ins with Eric Crittenden on Sax and Mike from Aqueous on Guitar:
Uncle Mike from Aqueous sitting in with Turkuaz at Buffalo Iron Works
Posted by on Tuesday, August 11, 2015
And let’s not forget Buffalo’s Michelangelo Carubba killer drum solo
Turkuaz @ Iron Works – Drum solo
More to come from this show, but in the meantime here's a multi-cam of Mike's drum solo at Buffalo Iron Works
Posted by on Monday, August 3, 2015
Truly a wondrous Summer night in Buffalo and worth a mention as one of the Best of 2015!